Lovebrush Chronicles Official Site—An interactive love story

Notice on 01/23


Weekly Events
1.Rotation Illustra Pool: Flower of Tomorrow
This pool will be available from January 23, 2025, at 9:30 to January 30, 2025, at 4:00(UTC+8), with increased drop rate of the following Illustra in [Gallery]:
Cael's SSR [Flower of Tomorrow] has an increased drop rate for a limited time, taking up 50% of the overall drop rate of its rarity. Obtaining it will unlock its exclusive Illustra Group Story.

Pre-registration for the all-new mobile love story Lovebrush Chronicles is now available

Pre-registration for the all-new mobile love story Lovebrush Chronicles is now available
Lovebrush Chronicles is a mobile romance game based around the concept of parallel universes, completely voiced by a star-studded cast of voice actors and created in collaboration with top artists.